
Coming Soon

Life goes on here in Fairfield, California, and the days pass so quickly that I have trouble keeping track of them. They say time passes more quickly as you age. So I guess that means I’m old. But I’m not admitting it. To quote Jon Bon Jovi, “I’m not old, just older.”

As the hours fly by, I keep sitting in front of the computer and writing. I actually find that what I’m doing now is not that different than my life when I was a consultant. I worked from home for the last twenty years of my professional career and pretty much spent the days writing presentations, proposals, and other papers on health care issues. So now, while I continue to sit in front of  the computer and write, I’m happy to say that I don’t have to spend hours researching data on Medicare or long term care or other such issues. Now, the creative juices are flowing,  and I feel alive with ideas.

It has taken far longer than I had hoped for my first middle-grade book to be available, but it looks like it will be out in a few weeks time. The Book of Mysteries: Grimstone Mansion is a story of an evil hag, monsters, and three boys whose destiny is to rescue a young girl who has been locked away in the old hag’s dungeon for decades. It is a story that will be enjoyed by both youngsters and adults.

While this book has been in the process of getting published, I have finished the draft of book 2 of The Book of Mysteries Trilogy, The Red Gemstone. I anticipate this book will be available by the fall, assuming all goes well. Book 3 is still in the thinking stage, at the moment. But I am confident it will be completed this year. So, things are moving forward at a rapid pace.

For those of you who enjoyed Dog Days In Italy: How I Became An Expat Dog, there will be another Dino adventure in the future. I Bark Therefore I Am: The Wit and Wisdom of Dino, has been sitting in draft form on my computer for months and months now.  Once The Book of Mysteries Trilogy is completed, I hope to get that book market ready.

And then what? Well, I’m happy to say that there are lots of possibilities. .Over the years, I have had a number of other book ideas that have been on the back burner, and I hope to get around to them in the not too distant future.  Stay tuned, folks. There is a lot more to come.

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